Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Views of the Mississippi Delta agricultural landscape

The skies were dark, cloudy, rainy and bright as we traveled through the Mississippi Delta to walk on the levee that broke during the Great Flood of 1927.

We drove past fields of corn, soybeans, rice, cotton and sorghum as we approached the Mound's Landing Levee that failed under the immense pressure of the Mississippi flood of 1927.

We viewed the PBS American Experience film "Fatal Flood" as we toured the Mississippi Delta which followed the fascinating history as depicted in the book _Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How it Changed America_ by John M. Barry.

I recommend the book, especially if you are interested in reading about this history of the US with which you are unfamiliar. The history unfolds with drama, family and politics, in an accessible and compelling way!

We traveled on to the Great River Road State Park which also suffered damage from the floods of 2011.

We ended the day's exploration of the River and Flood of 1927 with a delicious meal at the famous Blue Levee restaurant in Rosedale...song kept running through my mind... "going down to Rosedale..."

The atmosphere and artwork contributed to the enjoyment of Blue Levee's the ambiance and tasty repast.

I was please to find Little Milton smiling from the walls... only thing missing was the live music!

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